Final Logo-01.jpg is a commercial branch of Sinaweya bridging Sinai’s communities with a broader network.

We aim to support Bedouin initiatives producing goods derived from their traditional practices by creating sustainable sales opportunities for their work.’s collection includes authentic Bedouin products as well as commissioned items inspired by research on their intangible heritage.

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Screen Shot 2019-10-16 at 11.01.06 AM.png’s first line of products come from the sacred mountains of St Catherine, where Sinaweya’s conservation efforts and research have been focused for the last few years. We aim to conserve traditional knowledge on the healing properties and nutritional value of wild and cultivated plants in the area. We offer a selection of these herbs for culinary and medicinal use in the home. Our herb menu includes: Rosemary, Sage, Jerusalem Sage, Desert Fleabane, Desert Mint, Rose, Carob, Oregano, Fragrant Milfoil, Artemisia and Sweet Fennel Seeds.

Part of our conservation work is to safeguard and revive traditional knowledge. This poster is the first of a series of designed work aimed at spreading the Bedouin’s age old practices of natural healing and nutrition. Buy your very own copy!

Part of our conservation work is to safeguard and revive traditional knowledge. This poster is the first of a series of designed work aimed at spreading the Bedouin’s age old practices of natural healing and nutrition. Illustrated and designed by Sophia Ahmed. Buy your very own copy!

Our first collaboration with Bedouin women of the Jabaliya Tribe in St Catherine is hand embroidered linen bags holding a mixture of insect repelling herbs which can be hung around the home to avoid seasonal ant and other bug infestations. The Bedou…

Our first collaboration with Bedouin women of the Jabaliya Tribe in St Catherine is hand embroidered linen bags holding a mixture of insect repelling herbs which can be hung around the home to avoid seasonal ant and other bug infestations. The Bedouin traditionally place these dried herbs (instead of nephthalene) within packed tents & clothes.

Many Initiatives in the past focused on providing work for women within the realm of handcrafts. will offer these hard working women another avenue to make sales. We will debut in special events with a selection of their own products and will develop our collaboration with them by commissioning a new range of hand embroidered products in the future.