Our calling to St. Catherine

The place where we cleanse

St. Catherine has served as a refuge for so many people. For those who connect with its nature, it is the place we each flock to for physical, mental and emotional cleansing. The energy of quartz, granite and limestone mountains, flourishing microecosystems and the vastness of nature transports one to a place of peace and inspiration. For years, the dream of engaging with Sinai on a deeper level has taken us; every visit carries its handful of teachings on the symbiotic relationship between bedouin tradition and nature. St. Catherine has a particular environment, people and histories passing through make its stillness a special pocket filled with a wealth of ancient heritage.

doing more

Craving to connect with nature, our earlier visits to St. Catherine evoked a calling to learn more about the plants that grow there, how the people engaged with them, and how they cultivated and safeguarded endemic and rare species. We grew curious of bedouin herbal medicine and each conversation with a local branched our interests to oral histories, traditional gardening practices, water conservation techniques and we realized the inevitable dependance of these special environments on the continuation of traditional bedouin practices.

We could see many people struggling with their revised life rhythm in a town setting and how their youth are further detached from the enchanting mountains and wadis - campfire sittings with elders stir an air of storytelling composed of beautiful tales of times past which still resonate within the core values of Bedouin culture. What can one do to keep a balance between urbanism/modernity and tradition/environmental consciousness in a place that demands it. How can we contribute, as frequent visitors, outsiders that have a deep respect for this place? Finding out more and engaging in conversations with everyone has been the driving force to our present initiative.


A seed, now sprouting. Our research is inspiring dialogue, all in search of the right route to building Sinaweya with purpose, empathy, learnedness and respect. To approach such a feat humbly; to start small and to most importantly to learn.

* drafted in Nov 2018 by Dina Kafafy