
Sold framed and unframed

Sold framed and unframed

Healing Herbs poster

This work serves our conservation work in Sinai. In collaboration with local artist Sophia Ahmed, we were inspired by vintage botanical illustrative works and feature Sophia’s handprinted drawings of 19 common medicinal plants that occur in St Catherine, Sinai.

We offer a series of wooden frame color options.

They’re pocket size but so potent!

They’re pocket size but so potent!

herbal insect repellent bags

These linen bags are hand embroidered by women of the Jabaliya Tribe in St Catherine, each with its unique traditional pattern. The fabric allows for the potent fragrance of our insect repelling herbal mix to protect the area it is placed in. They have worked quite well in our kitchen cupboards, next to pet food and in between stored woolen clothes.

Made by an elder herbalist in Sinai

Made by an elder herbalist in Sinai

Ointment for bone & joint pain

A complex concoction of 9 medicinal herbs infused in natural oils compose this ointment, which offers quick relief to pain in the joints and bones. We are blessed to offer this remedy made by an elder in St Catherine after years of experimenting with these medicinal plants and perfecting his remedy.


Cold Pressed, Unfiltered olive oil

With age old olive tree varieties growing in this sacred landscape, we offer growers the reach to a wider community of olive oil lovers that can appreciate the delicate notes and low acidity in this very special bottle. Pressed in the St Catherine Monastery, we are proud to have this item in our product line.


a healthy addition to your table spread and savory dishes

Savory cooking ingredients

Dried Goat Cheese,
Herbal Salt,
Rock Salt,
St Catherine Dokka


Raw Mountain Honey

Harvested by a local bee keeper in St Catherine, this honey is potent in its medicinal value as the bees making it feed on the vast diversity of wild medicinal plants in the valleys of the high mountain area.


Seasonal jams

Sinai offers a variety of fresh produce that the bedouin traditionally preserve as jam. We only use natural and clean ingredients in our jam making and follow recipes inspired by tradition. Quince Jam,
Hawthorn Jam,
Apple Almond Butter with Sage,
Autumn Syrup


100% Almonds

Almond Butter

Fresh out of the shell and ground to a butter, this nutritious nut butter is filling and flavorful.


Immunity boosting plant medicine

Oregano Tincture

Relaxant, digestive, soothes heartburn and stomach cramps, boosts immunity, treats sore throat & chest.

Safe to ingest a dropper-full x2 daily

Heal a broken heart

Rose Tincture

Roses soothe the body on an emotional level, induce a feeling of calm and help the body self cleanse/heal after birth or miscarriage. Rose is a skin moisturizer that has antiwrinkle properties. It prevents freckles, UV pigmentation and age spots. Safe to ingest a dropper-full x3 daily

Cleome Herb Tincture

Antibiotic and anti inflammatory, lowers blood sugar levels. Use topically to treat infected wounds. Safe to ingest a dropper-full x2 daily.

Artemisia Tincture

Cleanses the digestive tract of toxins and worms, calms an uneasy stomach, antibacterial. Safe to ingest a dropper-full x2 for 3 days when treating medical issues listed above. Do not use during pregnancy.

Hawthorn Tincture

This tincture is made with Hawthorn berries, flowers and leaves. Hawthorn is a potent heart medicine and adaptogen. It is used as a preventative for heart disease. It strengthens the heart muscle, induces better circulation and balances blood pressure. Safe to ingest a dropper-full x2 daily.

rosemary tincture

Burns excess fats, strengthens heart muscle, lowers blood pressure, promotes healthy circulation, soothes sore throat and respiratory issues. Enhances memory, promotes eye health. Take a dropper-full once or twice a week at most. Do not ingest daily

Jerusalem Sage Tincture

This herb is a tonic for the body’s systems. It is used to fight depression, balance the body’s hormones, aids in digestion, reduces lactation. Can also be used topically on sore muscles and mild burns or as a skin moisturizer. Safe to ingest a dropper-full x2 daily. Do not use during pregnancy.

desert mint tincture

This herb is a relaxant, it lowers blood pressure and treats an upset stomach. Its minty freshness could soothe burnt skin and sore throat. Habak has antimicrobial and antioxidant activity. Safe to ingest a dropper-full x2 daily.


Who said we should only use rose water?

Herbal Waters

Our line of herbal waters are made through the process of hydro distillation; they can be diluted in water to drink or used topically as a body or hair spray, as well as room spray. You can get creative with these precious hydrosols.

Fragrant Milfoil, Oregano, Sage, Artemisia, Rosemary